Fish Meets Tortilla
So, I went to my chest of drawers like any other 'ole day; pulled out the same pair of jeans that I've worn for months, right? But something was different. Oh yes, very different. And the difference was........THEY DIDN'T FIT ANYMORE. Now, I'm sure there was perfectly good explanation for this; (none of which included the prospect that I could have eaten uncontrollably for weeks and now have gotten fatter. ) No no, my sense of reasoning stemmed from "dryer-blame", misplacing the actual pair of jeans I was searching for, government conspiracy...... (you know, the usual.) But sadly, it was all due to the simple fact that my butt had outgrown the available space. Okay, damage control.
Now, I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but I tend to do the following: exercise briefly until goal weight is reached, fit into whichever current item of clothing that is causing me issues, then convince myself that I am invincible and can now go back to consuming 5,000 calories a day via fast food. (Mmmm......In 'n' Out......) ::: focus ::: That being said, when I have to go back to eating healthy, I completely forget how to! And nothing ever tastes good, you know? Or does it?...........
This is where fish meets tortilla. I know most people have experienced a seafood taco concoction of some sort. However, I have never attempted to make one. So I grabbed some random ingredients that sounded good and went to work in my new kitchen. (Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you, we moved! Bought a house, gutted it, including the kitchen and threw a killer surprise housewarming party. But that's a whole other story.....) Anyway, here's what the kitchen looks like.....
(Pretty, huh?)
Anyway, back to tacos. So, I went to work like a mad scientist, feverishly creating this white codfish taco sensation and boom! Flavor city! And only 350 calories(-ish) for two. Basically, I've been livin' off of these things for two meals a day almost everyday. Our new home constantly smells like fish, but surprisingly, none of my fiddle students seem to mind. (Or at least they say that to be nice. I tell them they still have to practice no matter what they tell me.) Either way, this should not be the next fragrance for Glade scented candles.
But! Good news pants fit. (Well today, anyway.) And I actually like eating these cute lil guys. I still need to find other recipes that don't lead to zipper breakage. In the meantime, I will stick to these and those egg burrito thingies I make, as well. If you would like to try your hand at these, you can look them up under my recipes tab or click here! Spero che ti piacciono! (Italian: "I hope that you like them!)