#8168 - Proper Lighting
SCENARIO: «10:00am; I'm about to take a shower and Adam shuts the bathroom light off.»
Me: "What'ya do that for?"
Adam: "Should use natural light. More energy efficient."
Me: "But I can't see in the dark."
Adam: "What do you need to see? You're just bathing."
Me: "Well, what if I'm shaving? I'll be using a blade! And you need adequate light and stuff. Certain things need certain light."
Adam: "Oh, ok." ::::unconvinced look:::
Me: "Like, take reading. I can SEE the words on the page, but a doctor would say this is not enough light and he would chastise you!"
Adam: "So shaving and reading are the same things. Well I'm glad to know that I can cut my salami with the nearest copy of War and Peace."
:::::end my shower::::: Adam takes over shower::::
Adam: "Oh wow. It's so dark in here this morning. Now I know how Hellen Keller felt taking a shower. Except for the hearing and talking thing."
Me: "I'm sorry, I'm trying to be energy efficient right now and figure out how to put my make up on in the dark."
Adam: "Oh."
Adam: "Well, as long as you're not reading."
(I'm seriously laughing out loud as I write this. Cause I can't make this crap up.
That man, that man, that man.)